Merriam-Webster’s French-English Translation
Price: $3.99
(as of Mar 16, 2025 12:07:54 UTC – Details)
Access English definitions and explanations for French words with this handy resource from America’s language experts. Including more than 40,000 entries, 50,000 translations, and abundant examples of words used in context, this special Kindle edition is designed to help users understand written and spoken English and French. Simply search by word, browse, or highlight words within text.*
Note that this dictionary translates from French to English only. If you wish to look up English words, please purchase the companion volume Merriam-Webster’s English-French Translation Dictionary. * Compatible with Kindle Voyage, Kindle Paperwhite, Kindle, Kindle Fire with Fire OS 4+, Kindle Keyboard, Kindle Touch, Kindle DX, Kindle for Android (version 4.0+), and Kindle for iPad/iPhone (version 4.0+). Default dictionary feature is not supported on Kindle for Mac, Kindle for PC, or Kindle Fire 1st/2nd generation.
From the Publisher
Publisher : Merriam-Webster (October 1, 2009)
Publication date : October 1, 2009
Language : French
File size : 2.3 MB
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Enhanced typesetting : Not Enabled
Word Wise : Not Enabled
Tafca. (Tabarini Fan, Côte d’Azur) –
It DOES work on Kindle Touch, but not PC / Android / Fire
Ok, so I spent over an hour on the phone with Amazon Tech support today trying to select this dictionary as the default dictionary on my first-ever Kindle, the Kindle Touch. I’m embarrassed to say – that it DOES NOT NEED to be selected as a default dictionary, at least not on the Touch! (but hey – the amazon support people apparently don’t know this, either!)My issue was that it was listed as a dictionary on the device, but nothing happened when I clicked on it to select it as my default dictionary: Of course not, as it was the only French dictionary I had installed on my Kindle Touch.Apparently on older Kindles, one can only select a single dictionary (I don’t know for sure, as I only have the Touch and Fire). So when reading about how other people selected a “default dictionary”, I thought my new Touch would operate the same way. It doesn’t. Nothing happens when you click on the dictionary listing, as it is the only one there. It is the default, *French* dictionary. There’s a different default English dictionary.The problem is with CONTENT: The book I was testing it on, was apparently not properly “flagged” as a French text. So when I would try to get a definition of a word, the English dictionary would not find it. Upon testing on a different French download, this dictionary works GREAT! So apparently there’s a language indicator with Kindle books, telling the device which dictionary to use.I did however, end up manually copying files to the dictionary directory. After fussing with it for a long time, I didn’t undo everything to see if it worked using only the Kindle whisper sync. So if the normal sync does not does not work for you, here’s what I did:If you peek with the USB connection, there should be these four *both* of these directories on the Kindle Touch:documentsdictionariesMerriam-Webster-s-French-English-Translation-Dictionary-Kindle-Edition.sdrdocumentsMerriam-Webster-s-French-English-Translation-Dictionary-Kindle-Edition.sdras well as the Kindle Content file (approx 3MB):Merriam-Webster-s-French-English-Translation-Dictionary-Kindle-Edition.azwin this directory:documentsdictionariesIf for some reason you don’t have the 3MB file, goto the site and select “download to my PC” for your content… save it locally on your PC, then copy it to the respective Kindle directory.Again, this is only my suggestion for the Kindle Touch, other people have apparently had other results with other versions of the Kindle.And as of mid-November, 2011 – the dictionaries are confirmed to no work on other Kindle devices.So as a French dictionary, I give this 5 big stars, as it is AMAZING to be able to learn French… to click on unknown or forgotten words, and not have to spend a couple of minutes thumbing through a dictionary. Instead, just highlight a word and voila! the English translation. Cool. :)Remember it is based on the Kindle content having the right settings (that the language is French!) The book I ended up using to verify operation is “Le comte de Monte-Cristo, Tome II (French Edition)[Kindle Edition] ASIN: B004UKDQA2 (Free!)Now, I only hope the Amazon developers will enable the French (and other language!) dictionaries to work on the Kindle Fire, Kindle for Android phone, Kindle for PC…
Ed –
Essential for reading French as a second language on kindle, despite flaws.
The reviews already posted here are largely accurate — the translations supplied by this dictionary are short and not as complete as you’d expect from a real French-English dictionary. However larger dictionaries typically cost more than this anyway, so I don’t think this should surprise anyone. Also, many forms of words that are in the dictionary will not be recognized by the dictionary in the auto-lookup default dictionary mode (including irregular conjugations and words preceded by l’ (eg. l’ombre, as one reviewer pointed out).There’s a lot of room for improvement, and as soon as another French-English dictionary is available that works as a default dictionary, I’d recommend switching, unless the index for this dictionary is improved to address these problems.However, I’d like to clarify a few things –First, stemming does work in most cases, and you can look up conjugated forms of most verbs without trouble. I was afraid before I purchased it that I’d only be able to look up singular nouns, infinitive verbs, and masculine adjectives, which isn’t the case. This means that most of the time, you’ll be able to look up words instantly. This is a *huge* improvement from looking things up in a separate dictionary, which is great for the price. It is of course annoying when a word won’t auto lookup, but then you could look it up manually in the dictionary.My recommendation is this, at least until a better french-english default dictionary is available:Buy this dictionary. It will *dramatically* improve your french reading experience on the Kindle. It has flaws, but they’re not worth worrying about at the price it’s at.If you’re an academic or an expert, you’ll probably find it annoying sometimes, but still helpful. Buy a better dictionary. But I’d probably also recommend buying this one, if only for the convenience of the auto-lookup feature.
J. Knowles –
M-W French English Kindle edition not up to Oxford standard
OK, so I just plunked down $6.36 for a copy of Merriam Webster’s French-EnglishDictionary for the Kindle. It is a piece of junk. It only looks up short words and singularnouns. For instance, if a line reads ‘ne se sont jamais avises deson’, it will only find ne, se, de, jamais and son, because these wordshave only one form or ending in French. The translation is ‘were notever advised of their’. But ‘avises’ occurs in the dictionary (atlocation 18374) as the infinitive form ‘aviser’ – to advise orinform. SO THE WORD ‘AVISES’ IS INACCESSIBLE IN THIS DICTIONARY. Yousee, French is an inflected language, with different endings for words.Any dictionary that ignores this is useless on the Kindle.By way of contrast, Amazon’s excellent ‘New Oxford American Dictionary’does not have this problem. If I click on the line’occasionally reinforced this stereotype’, it finds the word’reinforce’ in the dictionary, even though it has the past-tense ending’d’ in the text.Do you follow me?I think the Merriam-Webster French-English Translation Dictionary needs to bere-published, this time with a decent index-lookup system to bring it up to par with Kindle’sOxford English-English dictionary.By the way, I’m still using a Kindle-1, but don’t tell me that’s the problem, because if it was, the Oxford English Dictionary wouldn’t deal with word endings, plurals and past tenses, BUT IT DOES. So try again Amazon, and get it right next time.
Ang –
Ich wurde mir empfohlen so dass man kann als “Default” Woerterbuch benutzen. Es ist moeglich aber nicht zu empfehlen. Stattdessen habe ich besser Unabhaengig benutzen aber es ist nicht so gut wie “French to English Dictionary” vom Collins
Euleir Eller –
Excelente dicionário que, além de uma coleção de palavras e seus significados, contém uma boa parcela da gramática francesa. Muito bom.
Davelovesyou –
This works really well on the kindle. As long as what you’re reading is coded as being in French, this dictionary works perfectly.It doesn’t pick up all words, and struggles with phrases, but it’s enough for me to be able to navigate my way through French literature on the go.Very good purchase and highly recommended.
月食 –
Kindle paperwhiteには、仏仏辞書は付属していますが、仏和、仏英辞書がついてないので本書を購入。Merriam-Websterですから仏英ですが、わかりやすい記述で、例文も載っているので、フランス語を拾い読みしていくには十分です。Kindle paper whiteでは、読書中に単語を長押しすると(英語の)訳語が表示されるのは、Kindle付属の英和辞典などと同じです。読書中でないときはもちろん普通の辞書のように使えます。Kindleのホーム画面から辞書を開いて、虫眼鏡アイコンをタップして調べたい単語を入力すればOKです。キーボードは、「設定」でフランス語を追加しておきましょう。
Huntress –
The best way to describe this dictionary is primitive and it doesn’t work to well either. It folds on most complicated words, cannot decline any verbs (especially not any irregular ones) and I was never able to actually turn this book into a primary dictionary. My Kindle completely refused to use it and always went back to using the Oxford dictionary. After half an hour of trial and error I gave it back to Amazon.If your French is halfway decent I recommend instead the “Dictionnaire Electronique du Français” by Lucas Nicolato. It worked so far like a charm and my Kindle used it right away as a primary dictionary. Plus a million entries and this one does in fact decline verbs!