CZUR Fancy S Pro 12MP USB Document Camera for Teac
Price: $109.00
(as of Mar 06, 2025 10:37:54 UTC – Details)
From the brand
Professional Book Scanner
Elegant Book Scanner
Portable Document Scanner
Mobile Document Camera
Please install our visualizing software “CZUR Visualizer”rather than scanning software-“CZUR Fancy”(not available). This software is integrated functions such as digital zoom; image annotation; tone adjustment; image rotation; video recording; snapshot and document scanning
3-in-1 Document Camera & Webcam & Scanner: 1.As a document camera, Fancy S Pro can capture excellent real-time images of 2D and 3D objects for easy presentation; 2.Use it as a webcam for live streaming or conference calls; 3.As a document scanner, it is easy to digitize paper documents (note: you need to purchase an additional scanning mat for scanning)
12MP HD Camera: Streams at up to 60 fps at Full HD 1080P, and up to 15 fps at 4K Ultra HD(4000×3000 pixels), Capture Max A3 Size: 16.5″ x 11.7″. Tips: spin to tighten the screws for stabilizing the forearm
Flexible & Space-saving: Fancy S Pro is designed with multi-joints, capturing every detail from each angle. It is also an expert in dealing with CLOSE RANGE situation. Comparing with a normal webcam, it can focus as close as 3.9″ with great clarity
Picture-in-picture(PiP): The PiP function of CZUR “Visualizer” allows you to connect up to 3 cameras and display them in 3 windows at the same time, making it easy to record teaching videos or game live broadcasts
the neverman –
Great versatile, user-friendly, economical portable web camera, scanner and projector, great value
I bought this mainly as a backup to CZUR Aura-X Pro Document scanner. I am digitalizing a library. Sometimes I need scans of images or text, and a regular personal flatbed scanner won’t accommodate the source. In a pinch, a phone or tablet camera works, but often I need better resolution or lighting.This product arrived just in time for me to take scans of a few things I needed. The scans are better than the phone photos that I had to edit then.The versatility of this product is very appealing as it can be used as a projector for presentations, a webcam with lighting.The cable came with an attached rubber wrapping strap to make it easy to store. I’m cheap, I usually use my wife’s elastic hairbands. An included USB to USB-C adapter was appreciated. I will get a lot of use out of this product.The CZUR Fancy S Pro is nice and compact I found. Easily portable which will be useful for me, especially when traveling.Also, it’s a breeze to set up. Less than five minutes out of the box, downloading the software, setting up the device, and figuring out the controls. It is very user-friendly and “idiot-proof.” Anyone can use this! No tech savvy is required. The software interface is very easy to use and simple.
Maria Alulema –
CZUR Fancy S Pro – A Game-Changer in Document Scanning
I recently purchased the CZUR Fancy S Pro scanner, and I am beyond impressed with its performance and features. As someone who frequently handles a large volume of documents, this scanner has truly been a game-changer for my workflow. Here’s why I give it a solid five stars:**1. Exceptional Scanning Quality:**The CZUR Fancy S Pro delivers outstanding scanning quality, capturing every detail with precision. Whether I’m scanning books, documents, or photos, the image clarity is impeccable. The 24MP camera ensures high-resolution scans, making every text and image sharp and clear.**2. Versatile and Efficient:**One of the standout features of the CZUR Fancy S Pro is its versatility. It can handle various types of documents, from single pages to bound books. The ability to scan thick books without damaging the spine is particularly impressive. Additionally, the dual-camera system allows for efficient multi-page scanning, saving a tremendous amount of time.**3. User-Friendly Software:**The accompanying software is intuitive and packed with useful features. The auto-cropping and auto-flattening functionalities are incredibly accurate, significantly reducing the need for post-scan editing. OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is highly effective, converting scanned documents into editable and searchable files effortlessly.**4. Fast and Reliable Performance:**Speed is another major advantage of the CZUR Fancy S Pro. It scans documents rapidly without compromising quality, which is ideal for high-volume tasks. The built-in laser positioning system ensures precise alignment, further enhancing the efficiency and reliability of the scanning process.**5. Sleek Design and Build Quality:**The scanner’s sleek and modern design fits perfectly in any office or home setup. The build quality is robust, indicating durability and longevity. The adjustable height and foldable design also make it convenient to store when not in use.**6. Excellent Connectivity:**With USB and HDMI outputs, the CZUR Fancy S Pro offers excellent connectivity options. The HDMI output is particularly useful for real-time presentations or sharing scans on a larger screen, making it a versatile tool for both personal and professional use.**7. Outstanding Customer Support:**Lastly, the customer support provided by CZUR has been exemplary. They are responsive, knowledgeable, and eager to assist with any queries or issues. This level of support adds significant value to the product.In conclusion, the CZUR Fancy S Pro is a top-tier scanner that excels in every aspect. It combines high-quality scanning, user-friendly software, and robust performance in a sleek and durable package. Whether you need it for personal use, academic work, or professional tasks, this scanner is an investment that will undoubtedly enhance your productivity. Highly recommended!
Joe –
Build quality/ Privacy concerns
I got this for casting books/ documents from my physical desk space. The scanner does not stand up securely—a slight bump will topple it over. It’s not very easy to adjust the height either. It does have the camera picture quality going for it and the software gets the job done so far.I DONT THINK YOU CAN TURN THE CAMERA OFF EITHER, without unplugging it. This is a privacy deal breaker for me and might lead me to return it if there’s really no way to turn it off. (especially considering there’s a built in microphone). Should be a $60-$70 product
Rosario –
El producto es original y llega en excelente estado. El problema es que la resolución al escanear los documentos no es lo suficientemente buena como para poder imprimir a partir de las imágenes obtenidas, en mi caso fue para escanear documentos pero las letras no salen claras. Todas las demás funciones no las probé puesto que mi intención era sustituir un escaner convencional con este.
Juan Manuel –
El escáner es una maravilla.Es perfecto para el trabajo que tengo de digitalizar documentos antiguos. Al ser ligero y que no necesita corriente externa, puedo llevarlo con mi portátil allá donde lo necesite, en casa, en el cliente, en el campo, …El producto viene muy bien presentado y protegido en su caja. Tiene todo lo necesario para poder conectar y usar, tanto en conectores USB-A, como con el adaptador que trae, en conectores USB-C.Lo puse en mi portátil, y … a funcionar.Como se ve en la imagen, pude digitalizar incluso, libros antiguos en minutos, gracias a la facilidad de uso, ya que puedo poner el documento en horizontal, en vertical o como quiera (para los casos de documentos fijos en peanas o en atriles). Me permite acercar y alejar la cámara gracias a su brazo extensible, para tomar imágenes de libros más pequeños o más grandes, además de poder jugar con su brazo articulado, para ponerlo en la posición más óptima para tomar las instantáneas.Lo único que echo en falta es, quizás, unos guantes blancos para poder manejar los documentos antiguos. ¡Es broma! Viene muy muy completo, y es un productos esencial para los amantes de la digitalización.¡Muy recomendable!
Dimah –
Je possède déjà un appareil Czur Aura Pro que j’utilise pour un usage poussé. Pourtant, ce Fancy S Pro a réussi à me surprendre par sa capacité à répondre à plusieurs usages quotidiens de manière simple et efficace. C’est un appareil polyvalent qui se veut être multitâche et touche sur certains usages spécifiques. L’emballage ressemble à de la mousse de polyéthylène rigide mais il est léger et se transporte facilement. A l’intérieur vous avez l’appareil, un mode d’emploi et un adapteur USA-A vers USB-C.Le Fancy S Pro est léger, son tronc est extensible, vous permettant ainsi d’élargir son champ de vision et l’appareil est flexible. Comme vous le voyez sur les images, vous pouvez le mettre en mode perpendiculaire ou l’abaisser. Vous pouvez aussi faire pivoter la caméra et la régler en mode selfie.L’appareil fonctionne avec le logiciel Czur Visualizer à télécharger qui vous propose 2 modes :- le mode Display, qui vous permettra d’enregistrer vos vidéos, prendre des photos et exposer un document, un manuel ou une recette dans le cadre d’une réunion, d’un cours en visio ou en présentiel. Le logiciel vous permet aussi d’interagir en direct en écrivant du texte à l’écran ou en le dessinant des formes. C’est vraiment bien pensé et je pense que ça peut être utile pour des usages spécifiques, comme des cours de recettes par exemple.La qualité de la caméra est satisfaisante. Vous pourrez l’utiliser en mode selfie en guise de webcam de dépannage mais veillez à ce que la pièce soit suffisamment bien éclairée pour avoir un rendu satisfaisant. Le micro est bon, on vous entendra très bien, peut-être même trop s’il y a des bruit avoisinants autour de vous.- Le mode Scan qui vous permettra de numériser des documents jusqu’au format A4, voire A3 si vous posez l’appareil sur un petit socle de quelques cm et en étant son tronc au max. Le rendu est très satisfaisant, notamment sur des documents en noir et blanc. La caméra de 12 millions de Pixel capte bien les détails. Vous avez le choix de les éditer en couleur, en noir et blanc, sans filtre etc. Il s’en sort aussi très bien sur les documents en couleurs comme vous pouvez le voir sur les images. J’ai pris la couverture d’un livre avec du contraste pour que vous vous fassiez une idée et, pour un scanner, je trouve ça plutôt bien. Ce mode sera particulièrement utile pour scanner des documents du quotidien.Le Fancy S Pro est simple d’usage pour des usages simples. Si vous avez l’habitude d’enregistrer des recettes, des cours, de dessiner ou exposer des croquis, des maquettes lors d’une réunion, et de numériser occasionnellement des documents, cet outil sera diablement efficace pour vous au quotidien.Finalement, je trouve le Fancy complémentaire à mon Aura. Les deux répondent à des usages totalement différents. Soyez sûrs de faire le bon choix en fonction de vos besoins.
Posh –
Aggiornamento: ho avuto un problema su un PC nuovo, con nessun altro software che poteva interferire.Ho installato uno dei due loro software (il visualizer) e funzionava tutto. Poi ho installato il secondo, CZUR Fancy e il dispositivo non veniva riconosciuto più da nessuno dei due software CZUR ma, stranamente sì dall’app camera di Window 11. I tecnici si sono arrampicati sugli specchi per giorni senza soluzione e senza capire il problema. Alla fine ho ripristinato windows a prima dell’installazione e ora funziona…Ho sempre voluto uno degli scanner della CZUR, un’azienda innovativa, da sempre attiva nel creare strumenti sofisticati per la cattura di immagini e documenti.Compatibile con qualsiasi tipo di sistema operativo (Windows 7/8/10/11, 32/64-bit. MacOS) si installa in pochi secondi installando il software CZUR Visualizer dal sito del produttore.E’ anche disponibile il software di riconoscimento del testo (OCR) che permette di convertire tipi diversi di documenti scannerizzati come PDF o foto digitali in formato editabile word.Entrambi i software richiedono pc dotato di processore 2 GHz o superiore e almeno 4GB RAM (8GB RAM raccomandati). Interfaccia intuitiva per la webcam.In grado di registrare video ad alta risoluzione fino a 1920*1080p 330 dpi e un framerate fino 60Fps in fullHD (15Fps Max in modalità 4K Ultra HD), dispone di due modalità di messa a fuoco automatica per ottenere risultati di ripresa sempre migliori senza dover variare le impostazioni, adattandosi alla distanza in cui si trovano oggetti e persone .Il design compatto permette di ripiegare la webcam per trasportarla facilmente occupando veramente pochissimo spazio, anche visivamente sulla scrivania. Oltre ai due snodi, che permettono di orientare la fotocamera in base alle esigenze, lo stelo è telescopico e può essere allungato e accorciato alla bisogna.La parte superiore della testina include una ghiera, per ruotare la ripresa da orizzontale a verticale e viceversa, e i pulsanti di controllo.Si tratta di un dispositivo smart che ha migliorato il mio lavoro perché io ho lo scanner su un altro piano della casa, rispetto a quello di lavoro, e tutte le volte che devo fare piccole scansioni mi tocca fare su e giù per le scale, dunque questo dispositivo mi ha salvato. Inoltre, fungendo anche da webcam, due dispositivi in uno, mi consente di tenere più libera la scrivania e più in ordine, avendo tutto quello che mi serve a disposizione.Quello che rende potente e molto utile la scansione è tutta una serie di automatismi: allineamento automatico, eliminazione della curvatura dei libri – che permette di scansionarli senza doverli appiattire, rischiando di rovinarli -, la paginazione intelligente, l’auto riparazione, tutti processi che velocizzano a tal punto le operazioni di scansione da poter scansionare un intero libro nel giro di pochi minuti.Molto interessante anche la possibilità, connettendo l’uscita video del PC a un videoproiettore oppure a uno schermo TV, di usarla tipo “lavagna luminosa”: possiamo inquadrare un documento e in tempo reale, senza necessità di scansionarlo, mostrarlo sul videoproiettore o sullo schermo TV, ottimo per le presentazioni.Si connette al PC tramite un cavo USB-A piatto, anti groviglio (non staccabile, forse unica pecca in questo prodotto altrimenti perfetto), e in dotazione ha anche un adattatore per connetterlo ad una presa USB-C.Presente anche una presa USB-C aggiuntiva per connettervi una seconda telecamera da acquistare a parte, di cui non trovo traccia però su Amazon, contatterò il produttore per avere lumi in merito e aggiornerò la recensione a breve, per cui restate sintonizzati.Insomma, un prodotto di alta qualità, potente, che consiglio a tutti quelli che, come me, hanno bisogno di effettuare scansioni di libri e riviste senza danneggiarli.
Ella –
Must-read steht auf dem Quick Start Guide, zu deutsch ungefähr: unbedingt lesen.Tja, und dann steht da alles nur in ENGLISCH. Geht man auf die Website: nur englisch, geht man zur App: nur englisch.Ich finde es unwahrscheinlich arrogant Produkte in Deutschland verkaufen zu wollen und dann alles nur in englischer Sprache z.B.beizulegenUnd dabei spielt es keine Rolle ob ICH die Sprache kann oder ob ICH mich mit dem Geräte auskenne, Ich soll das Gerät für Otto Normalverbraucher testen und dann brauche ich eine deutsche Anleitung und eine deutsche App., denn ich kann nicht davon ausgehen, dass Otto Normalverbraucher des Englischen so mächtig ist, dass er alles in der App und auf dem Quick-Start-Guide ohne Probleme versteht.Um diesen Artikel z.B. besser nutzen zu können, muss man z.B. Software downloaden. Also bitte, dann sorgt dafür , dass man dies in deutscher Sprache kann.Es tut mir leid für den Artikel an und für sich. Es wäre eine Webcam mit Ständer, mit der man gleichzeitig durch Abknicken alles zeigen kann, was auf dem Schreibtisch liegt, Dokumente, die man zeigen will oder Produkte etc. Für YouTuber, Influencer, Home-Office-Arbeiter etc. sicher ein nützliches Gerät.