beyerdynamic Dt 990 Pro Over-Ear Studio Monitor He
Price: $179.99
(as of Mar 02, 2025 13:30:11 UTC – Details)
From the brand
For decades, our PRO headphones have set the benchmark in professional recording studios worldwide. They are the first choice for artists, creators and audio experts, and have come to be regarded as the reference standard.
Our wide range of products includes headphones for all applications, such as recording, mixing and mastering, as well as for podcasting and broadcasting.
The only question is: what are the best headphones for you?
Our Studio Legends
Open over-ear headphones for Professional mixing, mastering, editing, and listening at home or in the studio
Perfect for studio applications thanks to their transparent, spacious, strong bass and treble sound
The soft, and replaceable velour ear pads ensure high wearing comfort
Hard-wearing, durable and robust workmanship – made in Germany
The world famous DT 990 Pro headphones deliver unmatched quality in sound reproduction at an incredible price. No matter your application, tracking, mixing, critical listening, even gaming, your DT 990’s will deliver sound you can rely on – every time.
J.L. –
Unbelievable headphones!!
I finally decided to take the plunge into a really nice set of headphones – my nicest set previously was a set of $60 Sennheiser HD 429’s. While those were decent, they didn’t come anywhere close to some of the high end cans that I had tried and I got tired of being disappointed every time I listened to music or watched a movie with them. After months of shopping around online and reading reviews I decided to visit a music store to try some out. After all my due diligence I had settled on the Audio-Technica ATH-M50S but I didn’t buy them at the store since I knew I could get them online for cheaper. Well, when I went to buy them here on Amazon I read through a few reviews and saw Beyerdynamics mentioned over and over again, and after reading a lot about them I decided that I wanted to spend a few more bucks and try out the DT-990 Pro 250 Ohm. It was a bit of a risk since I hadn’t tried them in person but knew I could return them if not happy with them. Well, they showed up today – in fact I’m listening to them right now – and let me just say that as soon as I finish this review I’m going to buy another pair for my wife.Bottom line: WOW! The sound that these headphones produce is the most open, deep, detailed, crystal clear sound that I have ever heard. I was a bit concerned about the 250ohm rating at first because I didn’t know if my gear would be able to drive them without an amp, but both my PC and Oknyo receiver can power them with no problem. I do have to crank it to about 80% of max volume on my PC to get the sound level that I want, so I’ll still probably invest in an amp to be able to drive them at a lower level for cleaner sound. I also want to be able to use them with my wife in the theater room after the kids have gone to bed and I’ll need a multi-channel amp to do that. But holy cow these things have low hitting bass, the midrange is tight and crystal clear, and the highs are powerful but not overpowering. They are very well balanced. So far I’ve listened to some rap/hip-hop, metal, emo, classical, and even opera, and these things shine with any genre! I am so excited to watch a movie them. I really like the open back and I think that’ll be nice when watching a movie with the wife so we can still talk to each other without having to completely remove the headphones.These are worth every penny if you’re in the market for a nice high-end set of headphones. The only drawback is that you can clearly hear everything that you’re listening to on the outside due to the open back, and I imagine they won’t block outside noise very well, but I just plan to use them at home in a quiet environment like my office or theater room where it won’t matter if they leak a little sound and there won’t be any ambient noise to worry about.P.S. Forgot to talk about comfort, which is OFF THE CHARTS! They a have nice furry covers which are extremely comfortable, the clamping pressure isn’t too tight, and I FINALLY found a set of cans that has openings big enough to fit my huge ears! With the M50S that I was going to buy my ears hurt after demoing them for about 20 minutes, and the clamping pressure was pretty tight but I read you can stretch them out to improve that. But I’ve been wearing these straight out of the box for nearly 2 hours now and just took them off and I don’t even feel like I’ve been wearing anything. That is so much better than the normal 5-10 minutes of aching ears after taking off pretty much any other set of headphones that I have ever used. So if you have large ears or a big head these are perfect for you!
James Bondarchuk –
Versatile headphones that truly excel with harder rock and metal
I am what you might call a “budget audiophile.” I care deeply about sound quality, but I simply can’t afford the kind of system I would want. Instead, I own a few pairs of high quality headphones, store my music in the Apple Lossless (ALAC) format, and play everything through a quality external DAC and headphone amp, the (unfortunately discontinued) Nuforce Icon HD. I was hoping that the DT-990-Pro would combine the best features of the Sennheiser HD 598 and the Audio-Technica ATH-M50, and that’s more or less exactly what it does. Let me explain.About 50-60% of my music library is hard rock and heavy metal (everything from Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, and Guns N’ Roses to Metallica and Pantera to extreme death and black metal like Suffocation, Nile, Immortal, etc.). Before I bought the DT-990-Pro, I owned two pairs of headphones, the HD 598 and the ATH-M50. The HD 598 dominates the M50 in almost every respect that audiophiles care about: significantly more clarity and detail, a wider and deeper soundstage, much better instrument separation, etc. Moreover, the 598 is known for its “laid back” presentation: the lower frequencies are recessed relative to the M50, and the higher frequencies sound “rounded out,” so you don’t get any booming bass or sharp (and possibly fatiguing) sibilance. Because of this, the HD 598 is ideal for recreational listening of jazz, classical, and lighter music that emphasizes clean vocals (I’m a big Fiona Apple fan, for example, and the HD 598 remains my go-to for that kind of music). However, with such a laid back presentation, it is suboptimal for hard rock and metal. With the 598, you don’t get heavy and pronounced bass tones, the sharp “THWAP!” of the kick drum, and guitar solos that really soar above the music; in general it’s just too smooth and wimpy for that kind of music. For this reason, I found myself reaching for the M50 whenever I wanted to listen to rock and metal, but I hated making the sacrifice in sound quality. Enter the DT-990-Pro. Some reviewers have complained about its relatively pronounced lows and highs, but in my opinion, that is precisely what makes it excellent for harder rock (as well as hip hop and electronic music). With the DT-990-Pro, you get a clarity and soundstage comparable to the HD 598–the DT-990-Pro is arguably slightly more accurate than the HD 598, especially at higher frequencies, but the HD 598 has more soundstage–combined with the “kick” of the M50. I no longer have to make any kind of tradeoff when I listen to Slayer and Testament.Now, these headphones are at the same time very versatile, and suit a wide variety of music. I am impressed by how good they sound no matter what I throw at them: Brahms, Dvorak, John Coltrane, Charles Mingus, Ornette Coleman, Hendrix, Pink Floyd, Depeche Mode, Aimee Mann, Radiohead, the Wu-Tang Clan. So do not get the impression that these are “specialty” headphones suitable only for rock and metal. Far from it.As other reviewers have already noted, the DT-990-Pro is very, very comfortable–indeed the most comfortable headphones I have ever worn. A word of advice: at 250 Ohms of impedance, it does require a headphone amp to be driven properly and produce sufficient volume. If you plan on listening directly through a laptop or portable music device, I recommend the 32 Ohm “Premium” model.Given its excellent sound and versatility, the DT-990-Pro may be the best headphone in its price range.
Renny –
Amazing sound quality. 100% Would recommend.
The Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pros are absolutely worth every penny. The sound quality is incredible, with crystal-clear highs and a spacious soundstage. They’re incredibly comfortable too – I can wear them for hours without any discomfort. The build quality feels incredibly solid. I have had these for 2 years now and I have no doubt these will last for many more years. I’d recommend these to anyone looking for a pair of high-quality studio headphones.
Rylee Bennett –
A caixa veio bem danificada e com o lacre de fábrica cortado, apenas com um adesivo da “Master Áudiostore” por cima pra enganar. Além disso o produto em si tinha marcas de uso, a headband estava bem desgastada como se estivesse em uso há anos. O fone também estava com a leitura errada no multímetro, lendo entre 20W e 30W a mais do que deveria.
Robert six –
I wanted a open back set of headphones, to go with my V Moda M100’s closed backsWhile the bass can’t touch the M100’s , the open sound stage and imaging are fantastic, when I run through my Marantz cd6007 or PM8006 the overall sound from these far exceeds the price pointThese are very light with soft velvet ear pads, overall comfort is hard to beatThey sound as good as a set of electrostatics, the money saved bought a really good cartridge for my Sota SaphireThey need a minimum 10 hours burn in , out of the box they sound thin and lifelessGreat sound, value and comfort
Eli J. –
Aqui la humilde opinion de un fanático a la musica. Compré la versión de 80 ohms. [ Rectificando mi Opinion despues de 8 meses de uso]Calificando del 1 al 10 comparando calidad- precio.Construcción: 8.5 ya que el cable no es desmontable y algunos puntos te pondrán medio nervioso(a) pero eso es todo la calidad en general es muy buena.Comodidad: 10 sin pensarlo; son ligeros, super comodos por largas horas de uso y el cable no pesa.*Calidad de Sonido en frecuencia plana.Graves: 10 Simplemente hermosos, excelente extensión de graves, son bajos correctos, limpios, con 0 reververacion y 0 ganancia extra.Medios: 9.2 Estan bien, son claros pero como que les falta poquito mas. Eso si, no se que tienen pero para aquellos que amanos la belleza femenina, las voces de mujer aqui son un deleite al oido.Agudos: 10 asi de simple; no lastiman, son aereados, muy precisos y con mucho detalle.En general son una casi excelente calidad de audio por su precio, por algo son legendarios en el campo de la masterización, aqui si van a encontrar muchos detalles en la musica y si una canción fue mal grabada desde el estudio aqui si lo van a notar. Por el precio es de lo mejor que puedes encontrar. Un DAC AMP es recomendable mas no necesario para la versión de 80Ω te van a funcionar bien casi con cualquier dispositivo en un volumen decente. Sin embargo con un DAC AMP mejoras un poco mas la calidad de sonido en todas las frecuencias, yo los uso con un Fiio K3.OJO: El sonido cambia de manera positiva conforme los vas usando a los 3 o 4 meses de uso van a notar la diferencia. Al principio yo sentia que les faltaba bajo y que los medios estaban apagados y los agudos se sentian un poco acentuados pero no, como que los drivers se aflojan con el tiempo y mejoran en manera notable.Estos audifonos yo los recomiendo para quienes quieran empezar a introducirse al mundo audiofilo y no cuenten con mucho presupuesto.
João F. –
Sem sombra de dúvidas, o melhor fones que eu já tive, som de altíssima qualidade e o conforto? sem palavras! absurdamente incrível!
Wolf dude –
Good build quality, flat response so my mixes and low end are way more accurate. Very comfortable, can mix for hours without ear fatigue. Amazing value for money.